INARI Sushi Making Machine
- Equipped with a "preparatory opener apparatus for INARI fried tofu (patented)" using a mechanism developed by Suzumo. Blows air into the tofu on the transfer conveyor to prepare openings in the tofu.
- Facilitates stuffing the wrapping with sushi rice, resulting in cleanly prepared INARI sushi. Simple design with a minimum of parts and emphasis on operability. Also improves maintainability and sanitariness.
- Creates a variety of products ranging from regular to jumbo sizes, as well as the Kansai-style triangular INARI.
- *Special order required Handles everything automatically, from delivering uniform amounts of sushi rice to creating prep openings in the tofu, stuffing the rice, and forming the finished product.

Product Features

Finished Menu
Contains text describing the product Contains text describing the product Contains text describing the product

ready-made menu
Regular: 80 x 60 mm
Mini: 80 x 40 mm
Triangular: 80 x 80 x 80 half (diagonal cut)
・Easy to operate, handling automatically everything from delivering uniform amounts of sushi rice to creating preparatory openings in the INARI fried tofu, stuffing the rice, and forming the finished product.
・Product forming process takes place on a turntable, allowing it to handle everything from regular-sized INARI, to jumbo INARI that usually had been stuffed by hand, to Kansai-style triangular-cut INARI. *Special order required for jumbo INARI and Kansai-style INARI parts.
・Thanks to Suzumo's own forming mechanism (patented), products of a uniform type can be planned for with fluffy sushi rice stuffed deep into and throughout the INARI fried tofu pockets and a higher quality of the finished INARI.
・Easily disassembled for cleaning purposes, with a special mechanism that keeps rice and seasoning juice from dropping to the floor. Maintainability and sanitariness considerably improved.
・Simple design with a minimum of parts and emphasis on operability. Sanitary since it can be disassembled for cleaning after use. Disassembly and assembly can be handled without tools.
・Equipped with a protective cover designed with safety and operability in mind.
Text describing the product
Contains text describing the product Contains text describing the product Contains text describing the product
How to Use
1. Lay out the INARI fried tofu by hand
2. Machine creates preparatory openings in the tofu
3. Forms the sushi rice
4. Stuffs the tofu wrappings with sushi rice
5. Forms the finished product/completion
Customer Case Studies

While we could not find anything that fit our system, we came across Fuwarica!
Ierabu Group Inc.

While we could not find anything that fit our system, we came across Fuwarica!
Ierabu Group Inc.

While we could not find anything that fit our system, we came across Fuwarica!
Ierabu Group Inc.

While we could not find anything that fit our system, we came across Fuwarica!
Ierabu Group Inc.
- Sushi Machine
- Rice-Serving Machine
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INARI Sushi Making Machine